2010 Ride for the Cure / Roule pour la vie

Fifty-two Novartis Canada employees are cycling 600km from Toronto to Montreal Sept 25-28, 2010 to raise awareness & money for breast cancer research. This website shares the team’s preparation & stories from the road. Cette année, 52 employés de Novartis Canada parcourront à vélo les 600km qui séparent Toronto de Montréal, du 25 au 28 septembre, pour recueillir des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer du sein. Ce site Web diffusera leur histoires du voyage.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ride for the Cure 2008!

Nous voilà à Dorval... 600 km plus tard et surtout des rencontres incroyables!

Merci à tous mes amis et parents pour vos généreuses contributions, j'ai amassé $2,650 et j'ai donné $250 pour aider un autre rider... ce qui me fait près de $3,000 pour ma 3e édition! Le plus impressionant a été d'appendre que nous avions dépassé notre objectif (bold promise) de $100,000!... Je suis très fière de l'équipe! MERCI!

La ride elle a été fabuleuse... difficile à cause du vent mais superbe à cause de l'équipe! Souvent il n'y avait aucun mot, le vent simplement et le frottement des pneus sur l'asphalte, mes coéquipiers me transportaient d'un km à l'autre! Je pense que nous avions chacun nos pensées pour nous amener encore plus loin! Les miennes ont été souvent pour mes enfants Emma et Samuel... Emma était là à Dorval avec mes parents... ça m'a donné beaucoup d'énergie! Je vous aimes tant!

J'ai fait des rencontres superbes... j'ai de nouveaux amis... j'ai fait mille réflexions à travers ces longs kilomètres et j'aurai quand même de la difficulté à ne pas recommencer encore l'année prochaine! Avant d'y penser... merci à mon équipe #2 et à toute l'équipe de la ride 2008! Merci Jean-Charles pour ton énergie, merci à Stéphanie, Chantal Koot, Jeff et Henri! Merci à mon amoureux Gaby qui me fait vivre cette deuxième portion de vie avec intensité et passion!

À très bientôt j'espère... on se retrouve à la marche le 5 octobre?

Annie xox

What an experience!

I have learned a lot about myself and about life during those 4 days. Unfortunately I was not able to do the whole 600 km because of a knee injury. For sure, I was disappointed but like I told André on Sunday, it's not about me, it's about the cause. Monday, I followed my Pure Enjoyment team in the Minivan with Bernadette. I was now a spectator. It was amazing to see the dertermination, the teamwork and the camaraderie. That's what Ride for the Cure is all about. Thanks Berny for the great support and help. You did a great job! And thanks for putting the smile back on my face on Monday!

I decided to do the last 120 km because I wanted to finish this journey with you guys. I am not sure it was the best thing to do for my knee but I had to do it. I can tell you that I will never forget the feeling I had when we arrived at the office. I was so proud to be part of such a great team!

I knew I would meet new colleagues during this trip. I ended up meeting new friends.

I will see you next year...With stronger knees and legs!

To need for speed

Thanks Guys!

It was great riding with all of you and getting to know you better. Thanks for pushing me and letting me rest!



Thank you to all the riders for a wonderful birthday

Thank you Team!

Everyone on the ride went all out to make sure I had a wonderful birthday on Sept 20th. It really feels amazing to have this experience with all of you!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A post from Jean-Charles pour sa famille

A ma famille,

Pour le support recu durant ces deux dernières années, c'est week-end et soirée a travaller pour sur cette aventure extraordinaire. Sans vous rien de cela aurait été possible. Je vous aime tellement. Et j'espère que pour mes garcons ceci vous aidera a ajouter cette valeure a tous les autres que vous possédez déja. Quand la vie nous donnes beacoup il est agréable de partager.


Drivers Life Lessons - Bernadette, Lyne & Stéphanie

What a life experience!

Camaraderie, friendship, respect and AND SO MUCH FUN !!! What else can we say...

We are the Subway Queens, Super Dupper Laundry Cleaners

Second day was so cold that the cyclists need to wear more clothes, therefore the laundry bags were multiplying and so was the smell..... hisssssssssssshhhhhhhh


Merci à tous ceux qui ont contribué à cette belle cause !!!! Ce fut une expérience incroyable vous n'avez pas idée à quel point !!!

À bientot !!! Bisous Mommy !!!!!


ON STAR: Where is the next Subway ??????? This is not was what planned at all! :(

A post from Jesn-Charles

To a special Team,

The 2008 Ride for the Cure was a very special event. Talking of unreasonable objective and bold promise, this one is a great one. A group of associates raising more than $100K for a great cause. At the beginning only a few people thought it was possible, not many were convinced but we did it. To achieve this we had to raise in average more by individual than ever.
All this because we are Novartian winners. Life is good for us and we have to share this great gift that we all received.
Continue to be unreasonable, we are making a difference.



J'ai eu des gros frissons lorsque que j'ai vu Mathieu et Phillipe aider Les à monter une côte difficile à grimper. Deux cyclistes qui n'ont pas hésité à prendre le temps d'aider un membre de l'équipe en difficulté. C'était très touchant de voir cette franche camaderie.

Lyne, véhicule de soutien pour l'équipe des 'Need for Speed'.

Pain- Sept 23rd: Jeff Martens

Just when I thougth the wind was going to kill us all. 200km with the dreaded wind in our face...help me! Our team was plagued with illness. Les and Michael were hit with a stomach bug, I continued to lose my fight with the flue and to top it off my knee went. As I was about to go in the van...Joe, and Phillippe told me they would push me all the way to Cornwall before letting me entering the van. I did not get in the van. Sean approached me and said...every man has a part... and this afternoon my part wouldn't be pulling the team, it would simple be a player in a team of tremendous atheletes and leaders. These guys are amaizing I feel priviledged to be apart of this group...thanks guys... you brought me home.


Wind 21st: Jeff Martens

Wow..ouch...please stop the pain. The team faught against the wind for over 155km today. The team brought with it several leaders. Mat, guided the team along with silent strength. Phillipe provided his incredible legs to bring the team up and down the hills. Joe was a steady gentlman who helped me through the entire trip. Michael although very ill brought the team energy- despite feeling very low. Sean- well I will bring you his leadership for the last day! Stay tuned. Patrick and Les- gents....lets face it they brought us to the line.

You might ask why??? Well the wind was in our face all day long. Believe me there is one element worse than rain...wind. We prayed the wind was at our back tomorrow.

Jeff Martens

Cab ride with Henry, Jean-Charles, Stéphanie, Sophia and Lyne

It was so fun, we took the cab back from the restaurant Chez Piggy in Kingston to the Hotel. We were 6 in the cab plus the driver. Just a bit tight. All of us were making jokes well worth the tip.

Sincerely Lyne the support driver of the team 'Need for Speed'.

Jane Hladky-More Wow!!

Hi everyone, I would like to Thank everyone who sponsored this ride for me and all those who supported all the members of our team. Truly without the help of everyone we couldn't have done such an awesome job. We had bike mechanics, massage therapists, cheerleaders, massive support from our drivers who took care of every detail imaginable, team mates who had injuries and cycled through more pain than you can imagine. I have been honored to have joined such an awesome group of individuals! We have raised over $110,000 and it is such a great feeling.
I thank so much the support of my family, my 4 children and incredible husband who gave me the time I needed to train and the time away to do this. This has been very emotional as I ride along thinking about all of the memories of my mother and the mothers of my close friends. I think also of all my customers who tell me stories of their patients and support me in the effort to do the best for their patients each and every day.....Thank you, Thank You, to all.

Sommaire des derniers jours

Bonjour à tous,

Hier c'était l'enfer. Il pleuvait pas mais c'est tout ce qu'il nous manquait. Le vent était terrible, le froid nous cisaillait les doigts et les orteils et nous ralentissait de 10 km par heure. Mais j'ai été impressionné par l'esprit d'équipe qui animait mon groupe. C'était un parcours parsemé d'émotion car une coéquipière a abandonné après avoir tenté de surmonté la douleur à la suite d'une chute. Malgré mes poussées... Elle a mis pied à terre. Elle m'a dit après que ce n'était pas elle qui comptait mais la cause...Elle sera du parcours demain et je suis convaincu qu'elle sera là l'an prochain...ce qui me fait réfléchir sur ma participation à la prochaine édition.

Aujourd'hui, une journée froide mais ensoleillée nous attendais. Mon collègue Henri a fait un travail extraordinaire à l'avant pendant que je m'assurais que les retardataires remontaient dans le peloton et complétait leur parcours. Notre parcours a été incroyable. 200 km le long du lac...mais avec un brin de circulation automobile. Un cycliste de vancouver nous a démontré ce que la détermination peut faire accomplir. Il a chuté, souffert de genou endolori et il a complété le parcours avec un minimun d'entraînement et d'expertise en cyclisme. J'ai été impressionné par la détermination de tous et chacun et j'étais fier d'être le capitaine de mon équipe. J'ai souvent pensé à ma conjointe, mes enfants et ma famille pendant ces longues heures. J'ai aussi pensé à mon équipe des ventes qui fait un travail extraordinaire en oncologie pour s'assurer que les patients puissent bénéficier du meilleur traitement possible. Demain, nous arriverons à Montréal...et tout ceci ne sera qu'un superbe souvenir.


3/4 of the way: Day1: 125 KM - Day2: 165 & Day3: 200 KM

This is it! We did it: day 2 a "Century" ( 165 KM = 100 miles) and today 200 KM!!! Yesterday was loaded with emotion; one of us got injured...to take the time to get better and take of a bad knew. Apparently this is when all the small things are coming out...But what a feeling to get to the finish line and have all the other cyclist cheering for us.
This morning the famous day: 200KM I have been dreaming about with more anxiety. We did it! It was challenging at time as the wind was still blowing in our face and sometime gusting, but we did it! Looking back at today and thinking of those ribbon I have pined to my saddle bag kept me going. In a week my pain will be a souvenir compare the what those women have gone though. This is why I took this challenge and as a bonus I got to meet great people and witness amazing moment that will be with for the rest of my life.
From Cornwall - Sophia

Post from Guy Robineau

At this time I want to thank all my supporters of our Novartis Ride for A Cure campaign!

I`ve had a wonderful experience, as we are at 475 kms of our 600 kms treck, it has been all worthwhile.

I`ve met new friends and may be life long friendships!

I will take this opportunity to thank you for making this all possible and it`s with great pride to say you are directly responsible for the great accomplishment of raising over $110,000 for the Canadian Breast Cancer Society!

I applaud you all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

caroline therrien-chalin

Bonjour tous le monde!!

Nous avons eu une superbe journee aujourd'hui accompagne du soleil et d'un beau 26 degres. La gang est energique et tous ont quelque chose a partager. Notre peloton est plus rapide qu'on aurait pense et nous avons toute une synergie!!!!! Demain, nous nous engageons a faire 165 km, la temperature sera encore de notre cote. Nous sommes tous tres motive et cette cause, le cancer du sein nous tiens tous a coeur. En fait, nous connaissons tous quelqu'un qui a ete atteint par le cancer du sein.
Prenez soin de vous
A demain!


À Emma et Samuel... de Annie

Aujourd'hui... une très belle journée avec un soleil et un vent chaud incroyable. Le paysage cette pm était superbe... des champs jaunes! J'étais fatiguée et j'ai pensé à vous et ça m'a donné plein d'énergie! Je vous aimes tellement et je voulais vous faire une note spéciale pour vous remercier de me laisser cette chance pour la troisième année. Je suis si fière de vous... Vous êtes les meilleurs enfants du monde et je suis vraiment une maman... comblée!
J'ai hâte de vous voir mardi... xxx

Merci à toute l'équipe... Et surtout aux filles... Isabelle, Andrée et Manon...
What a team girls...

Annie xxx


Well, this is it! We did the first day of the RIDE for the CURE today. What a RUSH!!! 125 KM with an amazing team: Henry and Andre (Capt. and co-capt) Chantal, Jane H & Jane O, Caroline, Guy and Goerges. Really we were the underdog; all new road cyclist but we kicked ass! Average speed was 27KM/h and we got over the anxiety of the first day....We wil be taking it easy tonight and think of the next day to come... Cobourg to Kingston: 165 KM; Can't wait!

Chantal Guimond alias chantou

Bonjour vous tous!

Aujourd'hui fut une journée intense mais surtout très intéressante! Mon équipe est super! J'ai roulé à une vitesse moyenne de 26.3 et oui, il y a des côtes dans ce coin ci! Demain nous ferons 165 km, donc mon premier millenium! Je pense à vous, Chantou xox





Jane Hladky-Wow!

Hi Everyone, Wow! today was great. I was so worried I slept about 4 hours last night. Guaranteed I will sleep tonight. The day started at the CN Tower, we weaved our way through the city and I could debt if Alberta has more or less potholes than Ontario? The weather was amazing. It started at 16 and it got to 24. We had a tail wind which very nicely pushed us along. "Bag Butt" goo worked super and I am not sore, yeah. Looking forward to tomorrow! Thank you so much for supporting me in this endeavor it is a great adventure and the training has paid off.

Post from Sergio: Wow what a day!

The first day on our bikes was outstanding, our spirits and energy was high like last year, everyone was eager to leave. The only difference from last year was the warm weather, how sweet that was, perfect riding conditions. Already you can feel the team bonding together, sharing stories about family and friends who are battling cancer or had cancer. Life is precious, enjoy every day! To my family and friends thank you for all your support !

Post from Mat: Excellente première journée!

Impossible d'espérer une meilleure première journée! Température superbe, esprit d'équipe remarquable et seulement 120 km à faire.... La performance du jour: le groupe "Pure enjoyment" qui a réaliser une très rapide sortie de la ville de Toronto. Félicitations!! Nous sommes maintenant prêt pour le plein de protéines avant d'entreprendre 150km demain.


Message d'Éric

Bonjour à tous,

Quelle journée incroyable... beau, ni trop chaud ni trop froid, avec un groupe qui travaille ensemble à merveilles. Je suis très content que mes genoux aient tenu le coup. Je me demande comment je me sentirai demain... Notre trajet était de 125 km. Nous sommes partis de la Tour du CN pour terminer à Cobourg. J'ai fait une petite erreur en oubliant de manger dans les derniers 40 km ce qui m'a fait trouver les derniers 10 km un peu plus difficiles. Erreur à ne pas répéter.

J'ai hâte à demain.

Catherine, Simon et Francine, je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous revoir très bientôt.

À demain!

Post from Jeff: Killer day!

Each year is different than the year before. In the past 4 years I can say that there is something special about the first day of the ride which is distinct...like a finger print. This year I was asked to join the "Need for Speed" team...the name is precisely how this team acts. Needless to say they took me to school! That is one reason I would refer to this day as Killer. The second reason is that the weather was incredible! Killer! Thirdly the teams are well matched, every rider, had a smile at lunch, and as always our lunch with Gail and Don (nice couple who allow us to eat on their lawn each year...she is a BCa survivor)was terrific. Killer! Lastly the cause creates a buzz in the town we visit. This year our team recieved $30 in hand donations while we were driving down the road. Breast cancer research is something many can connect with. I feel truly bless for such a great group and such a great day.

Jeff Martens!

What a day to ride!!/Quel journée de vélo!!

Bonjour à mes supporteurs.

C'est ma deuxième édition et cette année je suis capitaine d'une équipe dont plusieurs membres en sont à leur première expérience de Roule pour la Vie. Je suis impressionné par la passion qui se dégage du groupe et la préparation des cyclistes. Aujourd'hui nous avons atteint des moyennes de 35-37 km/heure et des pointes à 65 km dans certaines descentes. Nous avons tous des raisons différentes pour faire cette levée de fond mais celles-ci convergent sur la route entre Toronto et Montréal. J'en profite pour saluer ma famille...mes pensées sont avec vous!!!


Safe arrival in Toronto

After a pleasant journey down the 401 cahsing the sunset, this evening marked the first supper and unveiling of the team uniforms. Our backdrop was the Jays/RedSox game and all enjoyed the nervous aniticpation of tomorrow's departure.

The weather for the departure looks crisp in the AM, but ideal for riding during the day. Our fundraising total now stands at over $90k and is something to behold. Stay tuned for postings of the first pictures from both the arrival and Saturday's ride once we settle into our first destination in Cobourg.

Ride for the Cure Team.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A few "thank-yous" are in order

Each year, there are a variety of companies, teams and individuals who make our Ride a success. I am happy to say that many of the people I have thanked in the past are back again in the spotlight, along with a few more, lets start with a few external partners:

MediResource is one of Canada's biggest providers of online health information for consumers. This year they were gracious to make both a sizable donation to the cause, and provide the team with advertising exposure on their website www.Medbroadcast.com to help with fundraising. Thank you Paul and team for arranging the campaign so quickly and professionally.

HDKP, a leading Quebec communications company volunteered their vast skill set and experience to rapidly organize one of the most comprehensive communications programs we have ever had for the ride. Sincere thanks to Jean and her team for their experience and dedication to roll-out much of this program during our ride (read: weekend).

Where would we be without UHaul?! For a second straight year, the folks at UHaul have offered everything except a chauffeur to escort our bikes and luggage safely and securely. Without them we'd probably be at the side of the 401 thumbing a lift to TO. Thanks again team for your impeccable support.

Then there are the people movers at Chrysler des Sources who let us borrow their swankiest mini vans to help drive everyone from Montreal to Toronto, and then act as support vehicles behind each ride team. Leather seating, surround sound audio system, air conditioning...these things become very desirable at about the 300km mark. At the 500km mark, all you can think about are the leather seats. Thanks Chrysler for once again providing us with top-notch vehicles for the ride! ;-)

We'd of course like to thank the (literally) hundreds of donors who made personal, family and corporate donations to our riders--without your financial support, this would not have been possible in the first place.

Internally, there are too many to thank personally, but there are a couple of note worthy teams:

First - the entire Oncology franchise under Francis Bouchard's leadership deserves a huge credit for the corporate commitment to back this growing event and their amazing team (you know who you are!!) and energy organizing everything from lunch menus to vehicles and restaurants, to the T-shirt sizes of the last-day riders. Congrats to all of you at the head office who have been organizing this impressive event.

Second - to the Communications team under Silvie Letendre's leadership, who secured the support of our Communications partner and also helped churn out numerous communications and mentions of this event throughout the year. Thank you so much.

Last, but not least, I need to recognize a few members of our Core Fundraising team, who shoulder much of the burden of responsibility for organizing the whole event each year. To Jean-Charles Hebert, our team captain for a second year running and a natural leader and experienced rider. How he has found the time to coordinate and run this event in addition to his daily responsibilities is a mystery. Then there is Jeff Martens, logistical coordinator extraordinaire--charmer of rental companies, hotels and restaurants alike, our Canadian Breast Cancer liaison, and a ridiculously powerful rider in his own right-- congrats on a flawless setup this year and your relentless attention to details. Andre Magnan deserves mention as well for his artistic skills at designing this year's custom jerseys and bib shorts again this year. The big reveal is tomorrow, so check back for a pic of the team in tights!

Other notables include Sergio Faraone and Elsa Gomez for their outstanding fundraising evening in August hosted by Mary's on St. Laurent. We had a blast and raised over $4000 for our cause.

Finally, thank you to the dozens of other volunteers and organizers who each played a part in organizing this year's ride. We hope to see you on the steps of 385 Bouchard Blvd when we return on Tuesday.

- Novartis Ride for the Cure team

The weather forecast...

For the fourth year in a row, our team has been blessed with a remarkably favourable forecast. We all know forecasts can change, but this is this picture for Toronto for the next few days...! The only thing that looks a little menacing are the easterly winds - even a 5km/hr headwind creates a significant extra workload for the lead rider -- we will have to be efficient riding together and rotating often to preserve our group stamina.

Why we ride

I came across a very moving video that was shared with the team a month ago that brought into focus how very fortunate so many of us are and why we should ride. Though not connected in any way to our own breast cancer ride, this video of a ride across Canada was organized by Sears on behalf of kids with cancer. The opening interview sums up the impact a cancer diagnosis can have on one's own aspirations and goals in life and how many of us live the lives that others only dream of. If you take a moment to reflect on how your health and dreams are so interconnected, you can begin to understand how utterly awe inspiring and humbling it is to listen to Marisa.

Thank you Marisa, where ever you are, for your tremendous strength.

A little Armstrong Inspiration...

I sent a YouTube video to the riders yesterday, the day before the ride to get them even more excited about the ride. Very inspirational and a few riders emailed back thanking me for making it even harder for them to concentrate...I thought I'd share it with you. I get goose bumps watching everytime... ;-)

The goal for the 2008 team

In 2007, our team raised $91,000 for the Ride - it was awfully close to a big round number, and we asked ourselves in April as preparations began for 2008 what we should shoot for as a donation target this year...well we in fact did choose to set our target at $100,000... then we looked at the mountain we had to climb.

For those of you who have ever fundraised before, it is a tough and humbling experience to hold out your hat to friends and colleagues, yet each year we continue to be overwhelmed by the generosity and moral support of our network -- many of whom have donated multiple years...

As I write this, on the eve of our departure, our team total stands at just under $90,000, with a mere $10,000 to go -- what a mountain we have climbed and what a celebration of team effort and human generosity. Please stay tuned as we keep you posted on our total as make daily progress and we know now that our goal is within reach-- if you feel at all inspired, please help us reach this goal. Here is the link to our team donation website:


-2008 Novartis Ride for the Cure Team
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