2010 Ride for the Cure / Roule pour la vie

Fifty-two Novartis Canada employees are cycling 600km from Toronto to Montreal Sept 25-28, 2010 to raise awareness & money for breast cancer research. This website shares the team’s preparation & stories from the road. Cette année, 52 employés de Novartis Canada parcourront à vélo les 600km qui séparent Toronto de Montréal, du 25 au 28 septembre, pour recueillir des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer du sein. Ce site Web diffusera leur histoires du voyage.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ride 2010: Captains Post

Well it has been a fantastic start to another incredible ride.  This is the 6th year I have taken part in this incredible event and every year brings with it a new feel.  With nearly 50 cyclists- this is our biggest.  I have the privilege of leading this great group of people through the ride- and they are a great group.  It is incredible how everyone has stepped up to help out and developed a cohesive team.  I am also captaining Team 1- and they are number 1!  This team (Team 1) is always a group of new  cyclists-  nervous and excited about the 600km trek.  This group is on fire!  All members have found there place in the team and are contributing in there one special way.  We did have one cyclist that had to stop today- sick and bad knee-  which is always tough.  It was a bit emotional but we hope to have her back at it tomorrow.  Team1-  you are incredible people and I can't wait for tomorrow....200km of fun (and a bit of pain). 

Captain Jeff Martens
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