A few "thank-yous" are in order
Each year, there are a variety of companies, teams and individuals who make our Ride a success. I am happy to say that many of the people I have thanked in the past are back again in the spotlight, along with a few more, lets start with a few external partners:

MediResource is one of Canada's biggest providers of online health information for consumers. This year they were gracious to make both a sizable donation to the cause, and provide the team with advertising exposure on their website www.Medbroadcast.com to help with fundraising. Thank you Paul and team for arranging the campaign so quickly and professionally.

HDKP, a leading Quebec communications company volunteered their vast skill set and experience to rapidly organize one of the most comprehensive communications programs we have ever had for the ride. Sincere thanks to Jean and her team for their experience and dedication to roll-out much of this program during our ride (read: weekend).

Where would we be without UHaul?! For a second straight year, the folks at UHaul have offered everything except a chauffeur to escort our bikes and luggage safely and securely. Without them we'd probably be at the side of the 401 thumbing a lift to TO. Thanks again team for your impeccable support.

Then there are the people movers at Chrysler des Sources who let us borrow their swankiest mini vans to help drive everyone from Montreal to Toronto, and then act as support vehicles behind each ride team. Leather seating, surround sound audio system, air conditioning...these things become very desirable at about the 300km mark. At the 500km mark, all you can think about are the leather seats. Thanks Chrysler for once again providing us with top-notch vehicles for the ride! ;-)
We'd of course like to thank the (literally) hundreds of donors who made personal, family and corporate donations to our riders--without your financial support, this would not have been possible in the first place.
Internally, there are too many to thank personally, but there are a couple of note worthy teams:
First - the entire Oncology franchise under Francis Bouchard's leadership deserves a huge credit for the corporate commitment to back this growing event and their amazing team (you know who you are!!) and energy organizing everything from lunch menus to vehicles and restaurants, to the T-shirt sizes of the last-day riders. Congrats to all of you at the head office who have been organizing this impressive event.
Second - to the Communications team under Silvie Letendre's leadership, who secured the support of our Communications partner and also helped churn out numerous communications and mentions of this event throughout the year. Thank you so much.
Last, but not least, I need to recognize a few members of our Core Fundraising team, who shoulder much of the burden of responsibility for organizing the whole event each year. To Jean-Charles Hebert, our team captain for a second year running and a natural leader and experienced rider. How he has found the time to coordinate and run this event in addition to his daily responsibilities is a mystery. Then there is Jeff Martens, logistical coordinator extraordinaire--charmer of rental companies, hotels and restaurants alike, our Canadian Breast Cancer liaison, and a ridiculously powerful rider in his own right-- congrats on a flawless setup this year and your relentless attention to details. Andre Magnan deserves mention as well for his artistic skills at designing this year's custom jerseys and bib shorts again this year. The big reveal is tomorrow, so check back for a pic of the team in tights!
Other notables include Sergio Faraone and Elsa Gomez for their outstanding fundraising evening in August hosted by Mary's on St. Laurent. We had a blast and raised over $4000 for our cause.
Finally, thank you to the dozens of other volunteers and organizers who each played a part in organizing this year's ride. We hope to see you on the steps of 385 Bouchard Blvd when we return on Tuesday.
- Novartis Ride for the Cure team

MediResource is one of Canada's biggest providers of online health information for consumers. This year they were gracious to make both a sizable donation to the cause, and provide the team with advertising exposure on their website www.Medbroadcast.com to help with fundraising. Thank you Paul and team for arranging the campaign so quickly and professionally.

HDKP, a leading Quebec communications company volunteered their vast skill set and experience to rapidly organize one of the most comprehensive communications programs we have ever had for the ride. Sincere thanks to Jean and her team for their experience and dedication to roll-out much of this program during our ride (read: weekend).

Where would we be without UHaul?! For a second straight year, the folks at UHaul have offered everything except a chauffeur to escort our bikes and luggage safely and securely. Without them we'd probably be at the side of the 401 thumbing a lift to TO. Thanks again team for your impeccable support.
Then there are the people movers at Chrysler des Sources who let us borrow their swankiest mini vans to help drive everyone from Montreal to Toronto, and then act as support vehicles behind each ride team. Leather seating, surround sound audio system, air conditioning...these things become very desirable at about the 300km mark. At the 500km mark, all you can think about are the leather seats. Thanks Chrysler for once again providing us with top-notch vehicles for the ride! ;-)
We'd of course like to thank the (literally) hundreds of donors who made personal, family and corporate donations to our riders--without your financial support, this would not have been possible in the first place.
Internally, there are too many to thank personally, but there are a couple of note worthy teams:
First - the entire Oncology franchise under Francis Bouchard's leadership deserves a huge credit for the corporate commitment to back this growing event and their amazing team (you know who you are!!) and energy organizing everything from lunch menus to vehicles and restaurants, to the T-shirt sizes of the last-day riders. Congrats to all of you at the head office who have been organizing this impressive event.
Second - to the Communications team under Silvie Letendre's leadership, who secured the support of our Communications partner and also helped churn out numerous communications and mentions of this event throughout the year. Thank you so much.
Last, but not least, I need to recognize a few members of our Core Fundraising team, who shoulder much of the burden of responsibility for organizing the whole event each year. To Jean-Charles Hebert, our team captain for a second year running and a natural leader and experienced rider. How he has found the time to coordinate and run this event in addition to his daily responsibilities is a mystery. Then there is Jeff Martens, logistical coordinator extraordinaire--charmer of rental companies, hotels and restaurants alike, our Canadian Breast Cancer liaison, and a ridiculously powerful rider in his own right-- congrats on a flawless setup this year and your relentless attention to details. Andre Magnan deserves mention as well for his artistic skills at designing this year's custom jerseys and bib shorts again this year. The big reveal is tomorrow, so check back for a pic of the team in tights!
Other notables include Sergio Faraone and Elsa Gomez for their outstanding fundraising evening in August hosted by Mary's on St. Laurent. We had a blast and raised over $4000 for our cause.
Finally, thank you to the dozens of other volunteers and organizers who each played a part in organizing this year's ride. We hope to see you on the steps of 385 Bouchard Blvd when we return on Tuesday.
- Novartis Ride for the Cure team
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