185km is Not Enough for These Crazy People
I planned to blog after day 1, and 2 but both nights when everyone else was enjoying a beer I was passed out in my room. Today was the long day. 185 km from the Best Western in Kingston to the Best Western in Cornwall, with many emotions and pain between the two. At about 80 km today I took a fall on the hwy, at the moment the pain was hidden by the fear of getting run over by a car but at this point I am feeling it. When we got to the Best Western in Cornwall it was only 185 km - the normal person would think that this was enough, however in order to call it 200km we had to loop back and get another 15km in. Despite the pain, and the tears it was the only think I could think of to take the time to get to 200km. At this point some "fast" riders took it upon themselves to come with us to make sure that we could make it. This is exactly how this ride has gone - support from strangers and encouragement from everyone. I am truly blessed to be able to be part of this ride. Thank you for the support from my parents and sister and brother in law. And my brother (if he had a cell phone). And my trainer Lance...!
Jennifer Hansford
Jennifer Hansford
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