2010 Ride for the Cure / Roule pour la vie

Fifty-two Novartis Canada employees are cycling 600km from Toronto to Montreal Sept 25-28, 2010 to raise awareness & money for breast cancer research. This website shares the team’s preparation & stories from the road. Cette année, 52 employés de Novartis Canada parcourront à vélo les 600km qui séparent Toronto de Montréal, du 25 au 28 septembre, pour recueillir des fonds pour la recherche sur le cancer du sein. Ce site Web diffusera leur histoires du voyage.

Monday, September 21, 2009

wow, wow....WOW!

Feeling very humble today. Since we started riding on Sataurdy, we have had ton of support by way of people honking horns, waving or flashing of thumbs up. On day 3 of the Ride for the Cure we have just finished 200kms in one day. Other than very tired legs, I actually feel good! If riding 200kms wasn't eventful enough my riding partner Mike 'crash' Siauw landed on his head and had to be rushed to the hosptial to have stiches in his knee and have his broken arm mended. We are very lucky Mike was not hurt more. In typical Mike fashion, he said, "oh well!...now I can get my stiches out with my son Ethan, who also needed stiches this past weekend.
Last evenful item of the day was our team(team AZURE) was pulled over by the police! I originally though that we were pulled over for speeding:)... nope we got pulled over for blocking an entire lane! I hope our small effort will help put an end to breast cancer.
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