Team fundraising surpasses $34,000
With just over one month to go, we are happy to share news that the Novartis ride team has successfully raised over $34,000 for this year's ride. Reaching our target of $65,000 for this year is still our ultimate goal, (and we will keep posting on our fundraising progress), but at this point...
1) we are now more than half-way (53%) to our target
2) we are now ranked as the second highest National Team according to the fundraising site
3) most importantly, the Novartis ride team have now raised over $110,000 for breast cancer research since creating this event three years ago
Congrats to all involved and thank you to our sponsors for their continued support.
1) we are now more than half-way (53%) to our target
2) we are now ranked as the second highest National Team according to the fundraising site
3) most importantly, the Novartis ride team have now raised over $110,000 for breast cancer research since creating this event three years ago
Congrats to all involved and thank you to our sponsors for their continued support.